
Crescent Loom

Underwater neurobiology creature-creator.

While training as a biologist, I was struck by how well the mechanics of small nervous systems would fit in a game. By giving folks the tools to build the brains & bodies of underwater critters, I aim to make the basics of neurobiology accessible to everyone.

Funded by a Kickstarter in 2016, and now developed on a grant- and project-specific basis. I’m in this one for the long haul.

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Lancer Tactics

Be gay & do giant robot crimes

A third-party adaptation of the Lancer TTRPG into a fire-emblem-like tactics game. Funded by a successful Kickstarter March 2023, with a tentative launch date late 2025.

KickstarterPlay demo



Queer coming-out twine game.

Twine text-adventure made for coming-out day 2019. I consider it to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever made.

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Witch DiceOnline dice roller for tabletop games.

Witch Dice

Online dice roller for tabletop games.

Witch Dice is an aesthetic and functional dice rolling tool that easily shares rolls with your friends over the wire.

Includes Lancer PC and NPC character sheets, a D&D 5e damage calculator, and a Witch+Dice crafting sheet. It can also mirror rolls to a Discord room.

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Starship Rubicon

Exploding spaceships in space.

What was supposed to be a summer Kickstarter project in 2012 escalated into kicking off my career as a game developer. Starship Rubicon is a smooth & deceptively smart space shooter.

It’s quite good. A hidden gem.

Buy on SteamDev logProject page

Other projects & prototypes

  • Story Reckless

    Weekly dnd 5e stream! I play a strong horse lady (edit: now an adhd elderly artificer) as we navigate the treacherous city of Baldur’s Gate.

  • Membranes Zine

    A short ditty about boundaries; borders; membranes; cells; walls; enclosures; barriers; separations; defining what is and what is not; the foundation of power.

  • "Island Geology Game"

    Prototype board game where each of four elemental gods controls a geologic process to shape an island and keep it from being swallowed by the ocean.

  • "Mechs with Feelings"

    Prototype dating simulator where the dialogue choices doubled as combat actions, but then I realized that I’m too slow a writer to make a text-based game on my own. Placeholder avatars generated using the aloha! sushicore! picrew.

  • A cube pig ponders a green flame in a swamp.

    Root Pig

    Root around in a swamp to uncover truffles and lost artifacts. My first experiment with working in 3D.

    Made for the 2023 Global Game Jam.

  • Pyxis

    Anti-breakout. Play as Pandora to let hope out while keeping evil contained for as long as you can.

    Made for the 2014 Mayhem Game Jam.

  • Murmur

    One-button horror game where you flee from a tongue-friendly monster. Will you throw civilians into its path to distract it? Can you handle your heart murmur?

    Made for the 2013 Global Game Jam.

  • Spark a Memory

    VR game where you poke at neurons to discover their connections, activate stable loops, and eventually unlock a memory.

    Made for the 2017 Games for Change Brain Jam.

  • Wirehang Reredux

    Inspired by the classic Wirehang Redux, I’ve always loved spiderman-like swinging mechanics and wanted to make an open-world swinging platformer. One of my earliest prototypes. Unlikely to ever see the light of day.

  • As We Are

    5-minute puzzle game where you explore a situation from several different character’s viewpoints.

    Made for the 2014 Global Game Jam.

  • ClickClock

    Tiny productivity timer. Counts up or down depending on if you’re working or playing, respectively, and plays a small chime if you run out of play time.

    Made in 2013 for a friend.