Mech recoloring & dialogue layout crisis of faith
Mech recoloring & dialogue layout crisis of faith
Wargaming and Serious Games
Wargaming and Serious Games
Event system, aka, how to handle nested "you've activated my trap card" triggers
Event system, aka, how to handle nested "you've activated my trap card" triggers
The core of Lancer Tactics’ engine.
The core of Lancer Tactics’ engine.
Play Anthropocene interview on Lancer Tactics
Play Anthropocene interview on Lancer Tactics
Wicklog 30: Racial Justice & The Empowerment Of Manuals
Wicklog 30: Racial Justice & The Empowerment Of Manuals
Wicklog 29: (Galaxy) Brain Expansion
Wicklog 29: (Galaxy) Brain Expansion
Crescent Loom motivations
Crescent Loom motivations
How funding sources dictate design
How funding sources dictate design
Wicklog #9 - Fancy graphics, avoiding invisible functionality, and game juiciness.
Wicklog #9 - Fancy graphics, avoiding invisible functionality, and game juiciness.
Wicklog #4 - Betacon, intuitive mechanics, and the March for Science
Wicklog #4 - Betacon, intuitive mechanics, and the March for Science
Wicklog #3 - Menus for daaaays
Wicklog #3 - Menus for daaaays
Game Design Annotated Links -- Part 2
Game Design Annotated Links -- Part 2
Naming your game - name "genres"
Naming your game - name "genres"
SimpleCiv — Cities as RPG characters
SimpleCiv — Cities as RPG characters
Art Styles - Pixel Art
Art Styles - Pixel Art
Rubicon Influences
Rubicon Influences
tremendous caveat
tremendous caveat
the process
the process
Game Design Annotated Links
Game Design Annotated Links
Ship Customization
Ship Customization
Q&A - Blitzmax & the process.
Q&A - Blitzmax & the process.