Creatures of the Day: interactions!

This was an exciting week for development. The biggest changes is that I added support for multiple creatures and a few ways for them to interaction. Creatures can latch onto each other / the ground with suckers, and cause damage and disassemble body parts with stingers (first step towards predation).There's also now two introductory levels that teach the basic of how to weave and control muscles. The learning curve and UI still have a lot to be desired, but I'll be adding more tutorials over the next few weeks. All this led to me needing to change enough things under-the-hood (I was up til 2 last night fighting with the coordinate system for rectangles UGH) that the old saves no longer would work (and it broke some of them? oops. :| not unexpected though) so I've bumped up the version number to v0.2.Development during a Kickstarter campaign is fun (immediate feedback by invested players!) but dang does it split my priorities. I'm so excited to be moving towards the ability to have an ecosystem of user-created creatures, though!


Creature of the Day: a sucker every minute.


5 projects that made me fall in love with neuroscience.