JSON files: my super dumb and technical week.

Whew. Sometimes game development requires spending a long time working on things that aren't visible. I spend the better part of this week putting together the code to convert a box2d world and the objects that make up a creature (joints, muscles, hierarchy) into a json text string.

Basically, something that can turn this:


into this:


And then back again. This is important because one of the major things I want people to be able to do during the kickstarter demo is save and share their created creatures via a link. At first, I thought I might be able to just push all that data through the URL bar (like ChipTone does), but I think I might have to instead learn how to set up a database that'll store all that stuff. Unfortunately, most of what I know about databases comes from seeing Hollywood actors hit keyboards while pretending to hack them. Just another thing that I'll have to learn, I guess.

Regarding the box2d->json converter, I was surprised that one didn't already exist for Monkey X, the language I'm doing all this in. I'd like to release the module I made to do so once it's a little more complete (e.g. right now it only supports the joint types I happen to be using). PROS: I've never released code for general use before, so that's exciting.  CONS: people will know both my super messy code and my shame. We'll see how it goes.


First look at the Creature Editor


Senses & Swimming