Genuine love is infectious and will spread. And if the only people you reach are those few you have done what is expected – love your neighbor – and by so doing you have loved God. And, for God’s sake, don’t take everything so damn seriously – none of us is getting out alive. • They say nothing lasts forever. I say everything lasts forever, just not in the form you may be accustomed to. • In this our springtime // there is no better // there is no worse // Burgening branches blossom // some are long // some are short // Stay upright // Stay with life • The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye, until we meet again. | Who - Jimi Hendrix | Note - Said in a poem found next to him on his deathbed. • Hope you have enjoyed your time here, although it was not the best times to be anywhere actually. • Thou art cracking open heaven, earth, and gender. The oceans shall retreat, cities will turn to salt. Our infinite consciousness-mind has realized a fraction of it's power. And the parent says “ok” • “Trans people — Always mesmerized, held, fascinated, and ultimately defeated by reflective surfaces. What's that, you say? A mirror of some kind? Hold it up to me so I might gaze at it with longing and dissatisfaction.” • So if we exclude them, if we shout at them, if we condemn them, that completely feeds into that. And then the monster gets bigger, not smaller. • Here was this blood=fileld, alert creature, this nerved rope of matter, really here instead of not here, splayed soft and solid on a rock by the slimmest of chances. It was a thickening of the air spread from a tip, a rush into being, eyeball and blood, though a pin-hole rent.
Genuine love is infectious and will spread. And if the only people you reach are those few you have done what is expected – love your neighbor – and by so doing you have loved God. And, for God’s sake, don’t take everything so damn seriously – none of us is getting out alive. • They say nothing lasts forever. I say everything lasts forever, just not in the form you may be accustomed to. • In this our springtime // there is no better // there is no worse // Burgening branches blossom // some are long // some are short // Stay upright // Stay with life • The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye, until we meet again. | Who - Jimi Hendrix | Note - Said in a poem found next to him on his deathbed. • Hope you have enjoyed your time here, although it was not the best times to be anywhere actually. • Thou art cracking open heaven, earth, and gender. The oceans shall retreat, cities will turn to salt. Our infinite consciousness-mind has realized a fraction of it's power. And the parent says “ok” • “Trans people — Always mesmerized, held, fascinated, and ultimately defeated by reflective surfaces. What's that, you say? A mirror of some kind? Hold it up to me so I might gaze at it with longing and dissatisfaction.” • So if we exclude them, if we shout at them, if we condemn them, that completely feeds into that. And then the monster gets bigger, not smaller. • Here was this blood=fileld, alert creature, this nerved rope of matter, really here instead of not here, splayed soft and solid on a rock by the slimmest of chances. It was a thickening of the air spread from a tip, a rush into being, eyeball and blood, though a pin-hole rent.