I'm very less afraid of lions and tigers than I am of human beings. • Scientists glue sensors to 5,000 bees in a bid to better understand them • It turned out that the primary purpose of the bot had not been to talk but to listen. • Harley Sep 16, 2015 @ 6:54am i hate reading • PatriotCreeper [has Choice of Robots] Sep 16, 2015 @ 2:35pm Well then this game is not for you, since reading is all you do in it. • sometimes you can put all your love and energy into something, be given every opportunity to succeed, and still be terrible at it • They asked “What kind of animals are you?” The worms replied “We are the energy of Indra's ascetic practices coagulated and turned into two worms.” • “Blame the Nazi Germans for making me become a gun designer ... I always wanted to construct agriculture machinery.” • clandestine atmospheric nuclear tests • There are currently no plans to salvage them, because they are better preserved at sea. • Wrap my buns a baker's dozen // In tinfoil alabaster and lemonade snow // Dare I know and dare I go // With cracked lips and crook'd tounge // Into this unfortunate abyss -- a morass • I’ve not seen a great many pop-pops at work, but of the ones I have seen, none put on a performance that I would call great, or even good. However, if one considerably lowers one's standards, a well-designed pop-pop boat will perform in a manner that could be described as acceptable. • My cat woke up sick today. PLEASE HELP! Oh? You need more information? .... you need to provide the rendered HTML source for the page - I need to see what classes are being assigned and how they're working. Showing me a bunch of colours on a screen doesn't help • I laughed way more than I should..... now I must share this • Ah, yes, more garbage to consume.... Buy, buy, buy, eat, consume, die.
 •  I'm very less afraid of lions and tigers than I am of human beings. • Scientists glue sensors to 5,000 bees in a bid to better understand them • It turned out that the primary purpose of the bot had not been to talk but to listen. • Harley Sep 16, 2015 @ 6:54am i hate reading • PatriotCreeper [has Choice of Robots] Sep 16, 2015 @ 2:35pm Well then this game is not for you, since reading is all you do in it. • sometimes you can put all your love and energy into something, be given every opportunity to succeed, and still be terrible at it • They asked “What kind of animals are you?” The worms replied “We are the energy of Indra's ascetic practices coagulated and turned into two worms.” • “Blame the Nazi Germans for making me become a gun designer ... I always wanted to construct agriculture machinery.” • clandestine atmospheric nuclear tests • There are currently no plans to salvage them, because they are better preserved at sea. • Wrap my buns a baker's dozen // In tinfoil alabaster and lemonade snow // Dare I know and dare I go // With cracked lips and crook'd tounge // Into this unfortunate abyss -- a morass • I’ve not seen a great many pop-pops at work, but of the ones I have seen, none put on a performance that I would call great, or even good. However, if one considerably lowers one's standards, a well-designed pop-pop boat will perform in a manner that could be described as acceptable. • My cat woke up sick today. PLEASE HELP! Oh? You need more information? .... you need to provide the rendered HTML source for the page - I need to see what classes are being assigned and how they're working. Showing me a bunch of colours on a screen doesn't help • I laughed way more than I should..... now I must share this • Ah, yes, more garbage to consume.... Buy, buy, buy, eat, consume, die.

Be gay & do giant robot crimes

A third-party adaptation of the Lancer TTRPG into a video game. It started as an excuse for me to learn Godot and to indulge my love of the Lancer system & universe, but garnered more interest than I expected so has spiraled out into a full game.

Funded via Kickstarter March 2023, with a tentative launch date early 2026.

Prebones_build_final_FINAL (2), production update, new narrative director
Prebones_build_final_FINAL (2), production update, new narrative director
Prebones build, UI stylekit, instant action
Prebones build, UI stylekit, instant action
First mech & talent content push
First mech & talent content push
Mech recoloring & dialogue layout crisis of faith
Mech recoloring & dialogue layout crisis of faith
The opening line of the first Whole Earth Catalog was “We are as gods and might as well get good at it.” Brand has revised this motto to “We are as gods and HAVE to get good at it.” De-extinction is a good way to practice. • “I stepped on some tube-worms and that led to a career,” Carlton said. • A bump on the head probably won't show up clearly on photos, but it can certainly feel huge. So called unrealistic art can portray things which feels very real to us. • The designers have clarified that “technically” this is not cannibalism. • “When you start something, your motivation comes from a really strong feeling of inspiration. As you go on, it gets harder and harder to remember that feeling.” • “That was actually the really heartbreaking part,” Hoffman said. “There was nothing I could do besides tell them, “Get out.’ ” • If anyone can explain what this means, please put your response in ALL CAPS, so I can easily find it. No time to read all the comments. • “The difference is God has talked to me, so I'm basically like an atheist who God has talked to.” • “It didn’t take long for the moon to become boring. It was like dirty beach sand,” Anders told the Guardian. “Then we suddenly saw this object called Earth. It was the only colour in the universe.” • “What it comes down to really,” tweeted Gustavo Turner, an editor at the adult industry publication XBIZ, “is that there's a well-funded, well-organized group of people working 24/7 to align the state's definition of 'crime' with their own notion of 'sin.'” • I completely missed the word mod in there when I read the tweet (not awake enough I guess) and now my shame is limited to you and thanks to the power of replying only to you my shame is only slightly magnified instead of greatly. • “Everyone stop tweeting!” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a Pelosi ally, pleaded with Democrats during the caucus meeting, according to the Post.
 •  The opening line of the first Whole Earth Catalog was “We are as gods and might as well get good at it.” Brand has revised this motto to “We are as gods and HAVE to get good at it.” De-extinction is a good way to practice. • “I stepped on some tube-worms and that led to a career,” Carlton said. • A bump on the head probably won't show up clearly on photos, but it can certainly feel huge. So called unrealistic art can portray things which feels very real to us. • The designers have clarified that “technically” this is not cannibalism. • “When you start something, your motivation comes from a really strong feeling of inspiration. As you go on, it gets harder and harder to remember that feeling.” • “That was actually the really heartbreaking part,” Hoffman said. “There was nothing I could do besides tell them, “Get out.’ ” • If anyone can explain what this means, please put your response in ALL CAPS, so I can easily find it. No time to read all the comments. • “The difference is God has talked to me, so I'm basically like an atheist who God has talked to.” • “It didn’t take long for the moon to become boring. It was like dirty beach sand,” Anders told the Guardian. “Then we suddenly saw this object called Earth. It was the only colour in the universe.” • “What it comes down to really,” tweeted Gustavo Turner, an editor at the adult industry publication XBIZ, “is that there's a well-funded, well-organized group of people working 24/7 to align the state's definition of 'crime' with their own notion of 'sin.'” • I completely missed the word mod in there when I read the tweet (not awake enough I guess) and now my shame is limited to you and thanks to the power of replying only to you my shame is only slightly magnified instead of greatly. • “Everyone stop tweeting!” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a Pelosi ally, pleaded with Democrats during the caucus meeting, according to the Post.

Underwater neurobiology creature-creator

While training as a biologist, I was struck by how well the mechanics of small nervous systems would fit in a game. By giving folks the tools to build the brains & bodies of underwater critters, I aim to make the basics of neurobiology accessible to everyone.

Funded via Kickstarter in 2016, and now developed on a grant and project-specific basis. I’m in this one for the long haul.

Wicklog 32: Refactors, race mode (again), and Loomapalooza
Wicklog 32: Refactors, race mode (again), and Loomapalooza
Wicklog 31: Connectome Explorer for remote classes
Wicklog 31: Connectome Explorer for remote classes
Wicklog 30: Racial Justice & The Empowerment Of Manuals
Wicklog 30: Racial Justice & The Empowerment Of Manuals
Wicklog 29: (Galaxy) Brain Expansion
Wicklog 29: (Galaxy) Brain Expansion
My next recollection was a hazy thought that I was having a bad dream. Maybe I’ll wake up and get out of this mess, I mused. Gradually regaining consciousness, I realized this was no dream; it had really happened. That also was disturbing, because I could not have survived what had just happened. Therefore, I must be dead. Since I didn’t feel bad–just a detached sense of euphoria–I decided being dead wasn’t so bad after all. AS FULL AWARENESS took hold, I realized I was not dead, but had somehow separated from the airplane. I had no idea how this could have happened; I hadn’t initiated an ejection. The sound of rushing air and what sounded like straps flapping in the wind confirmed I was falling, but I couldn’t see anything. My pressure suit’s face plate had frozen over and I was staring at a layer of ice. • I had horrifying visions and dreams in hospital. Mostly whenever I closed my eyes I had flashes of decaying faces with terrified expressions, or extreme close-ups of open, dead eyes or ruptured skin. Occasionally something beautiful but oddly disturbing would play. One of these was a sheet of floral fabric billowing slowly in bright sunlight, but a hellish choral soundtrack gave the scene a nightmarish ambience that I’ll remember for a long time. • These were always slow and clear, as if 1000 fps in HD. Just a series of slow motion scenes that sat behind my eyes, waiting for me to blink or doze. • All I remember is the pants-shitting terror and a deafening ringing in my ears. Wouldn't recommend it. • Also, f**k ice. • When I was a 7 years old, I had almost drowned to my death. I remember nothing of my experience, and my life didn't flash in front of me. But yes, people did start treating me like a was some porcelain doll and never did let me forget it even after I became an expert swimmer who got a lot of medals. • Incidentally, I believe my 'last words' were “oh, f*****g hell.”
 •  My next recollection was a hazy thought that I was having a bad dream. Maybe I’ll wake up and get out of this mess, I mused. Gradually regaining consciousness, I realized this was no dream; it had really happened. That also was disturbing, because I could not have survived what had just happened. Therefore, I must be dead. Since I didn’t feel bad–just a detached sense of euphoria–I decided being dead wasn’t so bad after all. AS FULL AWARENESS took hold, I realized I was not dead, but had somehow separated from the airplane. I had no idea how this could have happened; I hadn’t initiated an ejection. The sound of rushing air and what sounded like straps flapping in the wind confirmed I was falling, but I couldn’t see anything. My pressure suit’s face plate had frozen over and I was staring at a layer of ice. • I had horrifying visions and dreams in hospital. Mostly whenever I closed my eyes I had flashes of decaying faces with terrified expressions, or extreme close-ups of open, dead eyes or ruptured skin. Occasionally something beautiful but oddly disturbing would play. One of these was a sheet of floral fabric billowing slowly in bright sunlight, but a hellish choral soundtrack gave the scene a nightmarish ambience that I’ll remember for a long time. • These were always slow and clear, as if 1000 fps in HD. Just a series of slow motion scenes that sat behind my eyes, waiting for me to blink or doze. • All I remember is the pants-shitting terror and a deafening ringing in my ears. Wouldn't recommend it. • Also, f**k ice. • When I was a 7 years old, I had almost drowned to my death. I remember nothing of my experience, and my life didn't flash in front of me. But yes, people did start treating me like a was some porcelain doll and never did let me forget it even after I became an expert swimmer who got a lot of medals. • Incidentally, I believe my 'last words' were “oh, f*****g hell.”

Queer coming-out twine game

Twine text-adventure made for coming-out day 2019. I consider it to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever made.

Online dice roller & character sheet

Witch Dice is an aesthetic and functional dice rolling tool that easily shares rolls with your friends over the wire.

Includes Lancer PC and NPC character sheets, a D&D 5e damage calculator, and a Witch+Dice crafting sheet. It can also mirror rolls to a Discord room and be within the Owlbear Rodeo virtual tabletop as an extension.

Genuine love is infectious and will spread. And if the only people you reach are those few you have done what is expected – love your neighbor – and by so doing you have loved God. And, for God’s sake, don’t take everything so damn seriously – none of us is getting out alive. • They say nothing lasts forever. I say everything lasts forever, just not in the form you may be accustomed to. • In this our springtime // there is no better // there is no worse // Burgening branches blossom // some are long // some are short // Stay upright // Stay with life • The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye, until we meet again. | Who - Jimi Hendrix | Note - Said in a poem found next to him on his deathbed. • Hope you have enjoyed your time here, although it was not the best times to be anywhere actually. • Thou art cracking open heaven, earth, and gender. The oceans shall retreat, cities will turn to salt. Our infinite consciousness-mind has realized a fraction of it's power. And the parent says “ok” • “Trans people — Always mesmerized, held, fascinated, and ultimately defeated by reflective surfaces. What's that, you say? A mirror of some kind? Hold it up to me so I might gaze at it with longing and dissatisfaction.” • So if we exclude them, if we shout at them, if we condemn them, that completely feeds into that. And then the monster gets bigger, not smaller. • Here was this blood=fileld, alert creature, this nerved rope of matter, really here instead of not here, splayed soft and solid on a rock by the slimmest of chances. It was a thickening of the air spread from a tip, a rush into being, eyeball and blood, though a pin-hole rent.
 •  Genuine love is infectious and will spread. And if the only people you reach are those few you have done what is expected – love your neighbor – and by so doing you have loved God. And, for God’s sake, don’t take everything so damn seriously – none of us is getting out alive. • They say nothing lasts forever. I say everything lasts forever, just not in the form you may be accustomed to. • In this our springtime // there is no better // there is no worse // Burgening branches blossom // some are long // some are short // Stay upright // Stay with life • The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye, until we meet again. | Who - Jimi Hendrix | Note - Said in a poem found next to him on his deathbed. • Hope you have enjoyed your time here, although it was not the best times to be anywhere actually. • Thou art cracking open heaven, earth, and gender. The oceans shall retreat, cities will turn to salt. Our infinite consciousness-mind has realized a fraction of it's power. And the parent says “ok” • “Trans people — Always mesmerized, held, fascinated, and ultimately defeated by reflective surfaces. What's that, you say? A mirror of some kind? Hold it up to me so I might gaze at it with longing and dissatisfaction.” • So if we exclude them, if we shout at them, if we condemn them, that completely feeds into that. And then the monster gets bigger, not smaller. • Here was this blood=fileld, alert creature, this nerved rope of matter, really here instead of not here, splayed soft and solid on a rock by the slimmest of chances. It was a thickening of the air spread from a tip, a rush into being, eyeball and blood, though a pin-hole rent.

Exploding spaceships in space

What was supposed to be a summer Kickstarter project in 2012 escalated into kicking off my career as a game developer. Starship Rubicon is a smooth & deceptively smart space shooter.

It’s quite good. A hidden gem.

Bundle Stars Postmortem
Bundle Stars Postmortem
Steam Shenanigans + Demo Postmortem
Steam Shenanigans + Demo Postmortem
Rubicon Influences
Rubicon Influences
Steam Postmortem
Steam Postmortem
The opening line of the first Whole Earth Catalog was “We are as gods and might as well get good at it.” Brand has revised this motto to “We are as gods and HAVE to get good at it.” De-extinction is a good way to practice. • “I stepped on some tube-worms and that led to a career,” Carlton said. • A bump on the head probably won't show up clearly on photos, but it can certainly feel huge. So called unrealistic art can portray things which feels very real to us. • The designers have clarified that “technically” this is not cannibalism. • “When you start something, your motivation comes from a really strong feeling of inspiration. As you go on, it gets harder and harder to remember that feeling.” • “That was actually the really heartbreaking part,” Hoffman said. “There was nothing I could do besides tell them, “Get out.’ ” • If anyone can explain what this means, please put your response in ALL CAPS, so I can easily find it. No time to read all the comments. • “The difference is God has talked to me, so I'm basically like an atheist who God has talked to.” • “It didn’t take long for the moon to become boring. It was like dirty beach sand,” Anders told the Guardian. “Then we suddenly saw this object called Earth. It was the only colour in the universe.” • “What it comes down to really,” tweeted Gustavo Turner, an editor at the adult industry publication XBIZ, “is that there's a well-funded, well-organized group of people working 24/7 to align the state's definition of 'crime' with their own notion of 'sin.'” • I completely missed the word mod in there when I read the tweet (not awake enough I guess) and now my shame is limited to you and thanks to the power of replying only to you my shame is only slightly magnified instead of greatly. • “Everyone stop tweeting!” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a Pelosi ally, pleaded with Democrats during the caucus meeting, according to the Post.
 •  The opening line of the first Whole Earth Catalog was “We are as gods and might as well get good at it.” Brand has revised this motto to “We are as gods and HAVE to get good at it.” De-extinction is a good way to practice. • “I stepped on some tube-worms and that led to a career,” Carlton said. • A bump on the head probably won't show up clearly on photos, but it can certainly feel huge. So called unrealistic art can portray things which feels very real to us. • The designers have clarified that “technically” this is not cannibalism. • “When you start something, your motivation comes from a really strong feeling of inspiration. As you go on, it gets harder and harder to remember that feeling.” • “That was actually the really heartbreaking part,” Hoffman said. “There was nothing I could do besides tell them, “Get out.’ ” • If anyone can explain what this means, please put your response in ALL CAPS, so I can easily find it. No time to read all the comments. • “The difference is God has talked to me, so I'm basically like an atheist who God has talked to.” • “It didn’t take long for the moon to become boring. It was like dirty beach sand,” Anders told the Guardian. “Then we suddenly saw this object called Earth. It was the only colour in the universe.” • “What it comes down to really,” tweeted Gustavo Turner, an editor at the adult industry publication XBIZ, “is that there's a well-funded, well-organized group of people working 24/7 to align the state's definition of 'crime' with their own notion of 'sin.'” • I completely missed the word mod in there when I read the tweet (not awake enough I guess) and now my shame is limited to you and thanks to the power of replying only to you my shame is only slightly magnified instead of greatly. • “Everyone stop tweeting!” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), a Pelosi ally, pleaded with Democrats during the caucus meeting, according to the Post.

Story Reckless

Weekly dnd 5e stream! I play a strong horse lady (edit: now an adhd elderly artificer) as we navigate the treacherous city of Baldur’s Gate.

Membranes Zine

About boundaries; borders; membranes; cells; walls; enclosures; barriers; separations; defining what is and what is not; the very foundation of power.

"Geology Game"

Prototype board game where each of four elemental gods controls a geologic process to shape an island and keep it from being swallowed by the ocean.

Mechs with Feelings

Prototype dating simulator where the dialogue choices doubled as combat actions, but then I realized that I’m too slow a writer to make a text-based game on my own. Placeholder avatars generated using the sushicore! picrew.

Root Pig

Root around in a swamp to uncover truffles and lost artifacts. My first experiment with working in 3D.

Made for the 2023 Global Game Jam.


Anti-breakout. Play as Pandora to let hope out while keeping evil contained for as long as you can.

Made for the 2014 Mayhem Game Jam.


One-button horror game where you flee from a tongue-friendly monster. Will you throw civilians into its path to distract it? Can you handle your heart murmur?

Made for the 2013 Global Game Jam.

Spark a Memory

VR game where you poke at neurons to discover their connections, activate stable loops, and eventually unlock a memory.

Made for the 2017 Games for Change Brain Jam.

Wirehang Reredux

Fangame for & blatantly stealing graphics from Wirehang Redux, I’ve always loved spiderman-like swinging mechanics and wanted to make an open-world swinging platformer. One of my earliest prototypes. Unlikely to ever see the light of day.

As We Are

5-minute puzzle game where you explore a situation from several different character’s viewpoints.

Made for the 2014 Global Game Jam.


Tiny productivity timer. Counts up or down depending on if you’re working or playing, respectively, and plays a small chime if you run out of play time.

Made in 2013 for a friend.

My next recollection was a hazy thought that I was having a bad dream. Maybe I’ll wake up and get out of this mess, I mused. Gradually regaining consciousness, I realized this was no dream; it had really happened. That also was disturbing, because I could not have survived what had just happened. Therefore, I must be dead. Since I didn’t feel bad–just a detached sense of euphoria–I decided being dead wasn’t so bad after all. AS FULL AWARENESS took hold, I realized I was not dead, but had somehow separated from the airplane. I had no idea how this could have happened; I hadn’t initiated an ejection. The sound of rushing air and what sounded like straps flapping in the wind confirmed I was falling, but I couldn’t see anything. My pressure suit’s face plate had frozen over and I was staring at a layer of ice. • I had horrifying visions and dreams in hospital. Mostly whenever I closed my eyes I had flashes of decaying faces with terrified expressions, or extreme close-ups of open, dead eyes or ruptured skin. Occasionally something beautiful but oddly disturbing would play. One of these was a sheet of floral fabric billowing slowly in bright sunlight, but a hellish choral soundtrack gave the scene a nightmarish ambience that I’ll remember for a long time. • These were always slow and clear, as if 1000 fps in HD. Just a series of slow motion scenes that sat behind my eyes, waiting for me to blink or doze. • All I remember is the pants-shitting terror and a deafening ringing in my ears. Wouldn't recommend it. • Also, f**k ice. • When I was a 7 years old, I had almost drowned to my death. I remember nothing of my experience, and my life didn't flash in front of me. But yes, people did start treating me like a was some porcelain doll and never did let me forget it even after I became an expert swimmer who got a lot of medals. • Incidentally, I believe my 'last words' were “oh, f*****g hell.”
 •  My next recollection was a hazy thought that I was having a bad dream. Maybe I’ll wake up and get out of this mess, I mused. Gradually regaining consciousness, I realized this was no dream; it had really happened. That also was disturbing, because I could not have survived what had just happened. Therefore, I must be dead. Since I didn’t feel bad–just a detached sense of euphoria–I decided being dead wasn’t so bad after all. AS FULL AWARENESS took hold, I realized I was not dead, but had somehow separated from the airplane. I had no idea how this could have happened; I hadn’t initiated an ejection. The sound of rushing air and what sounded like straps flapping in the wind confirmed I was falling, but I couldn’t see anything. My pressure suit’s face plate had frozen over and I was staring at a layer of ice. • I had horrifying visions and dreams in hospital. Mostly whenever I closed my eyes I had flashes of decaying faces with terrified expressions, or extreme close-ups of open, dead eyes or ruptured skin. Occasionally something beautiful but oddly disturbing would play. One of these was a sheet of floral fabric billowing slowly in bright sunlight, but a hellish choral soundtrack gave the scene a nightmarish ambience that I’ll remember for a long time. • These were always slow and clear, as if 1000 fps in HD. Just a series of slow motion scenes that sat behind my eyes, waiting for me to blink or doze. • All I remember is the pants-shitting terror and a deafening ringing in my ears. Wouldn't recommend it. • Also, f**k ice. • When I was a 7 years old, I had almost drowned to my death. I remember nothing of my experience, and my life didn't flash in front of me. But yes, people did start treating me like a was some porcelain doll and never did let me forget it even after I became an expert swimmer who got a lot of medals. • Incidentally, I believe my 'last words' were “oh, f*****g hell.”